Using The Imagination To Control Your Thoughts

How To Magnetise Your Desires With Imagination

Using The Imagination To Control Your Thoughts

Everything is spirit. Everything! It is all energy and consciousness.

What does the Law of Attraction have to do with this? How does success come about by becoming aware of the Law of Attraction and its principles?

The imagination is a fascinating, powerful place. For example, remember any incident from primary school – writing with a fat pencil, perhaps. (Remember those fat pencils?) Now, think of someplace you plan to go in the next month and imagine yourself there. Good. Now, imagine yourself on the moon, looking back at the earth – a big blue marble in the blackness of space. Excellent, isn’t it?

This is the power of the imagination: we can return to the past, rehearse the future, and zoom off on flights of fancy – all within seconds.

The images you had may not have been well-detailed or held in the imagination for very long, but you probably had some sense of each. Some people primarily see in their imaginations, others mainly hear, others mostly feel. Whatever you do is fine.

When we do not have conscious control of the imagination, our imaginations can work against us. We relive the horrors of the past – the fears that were justified, the guilt that was especially bad, the unworthinesses at their worst, the hurt feelings at their most painful, the anger at its most destructive. Considering the false history created by the mind’s careful selection and occasional rewriting, it’s easy to feel discouraged about ourselves and everything we might consider doing.

The mind also uses the imagination when considering the future. It projects an image of not just failure but monumental failure, embarrassing failure, public and unconditional failure. Considering this opposition, it’s incredible that we even get out of bed. The mind (unless you control it) also uses every news story – and every other fictional account – of disaster to show us why we had better not do anything new, ever. It’s time to recapture the imagination from your mind’s fears. Your imagination is yours. You can remember the past you choose, rehearse the future you want, and identify with the real and fictional heroes and events of your selection.

When we remember the things from our past (both good and bad), we build an image of ourselves as doers and achievers – charmed, kind and terrific. This forms a solid base for future action.

When we project our dreams into a positive future, we see that we can have what we want. A positive image of the future not only shows us how to get there, but it also draws us to it, attracting us toward our dreams like a magnet.

When we hear some good news, read an inspirational story or see an uplifting movie, we can use our imagination to put ourselves in the centre of the action. This allows us to identify with all the good, happy and wonderful images in our culture – and know that we’re one of them.

Self-Improvement, Self-Confidence, confidence, lifestlyle, lessons, positive psychology

A Foolproof Plan to Boost Your Confidence

We have the power to imagine a better world

Do you feel like you could benefit from strengthening your confidence? While it’s not 100% imperative to have confidence, it certainly makes life a lot easier.

You can still accomplish things without self-confidence, but would you actually try? If you don’t believe you’re going to be successful, you’ll likely throw in the towel before getting very far. Confidence can be elusive as our success ebbs and wanes.

How can you maintain your confidence through the ups and downs of life?

Try these tips. They’ll raise your self-confidence through the roof:

  1. Know thyself. Make a list of all of your strengths and capabilities. Include things that you seem to have a talent for but have never actually tried. Perhaps you’re reliable, intelligent, coordinated, and have excellent musical abilities. A great way to get to know who you really are is to have your astrology chart done. An Energy-BalanceWho Am I?’ report will reveal your potential based on the way the stars were aligned at your birth!
  • Putting your positive qualities on paper will show you the many reasons you have to be self-confident. You’re already doing better than you think.
  1. List your major achievements. Think about all the amazing things you’ve already accomplished. We tend to mentally linger on our perceived failures. Try lingering on the good stuff for a change. We can choose our thoughts, so choose wisely.
  2. Make a list of your daily accomplishments. At the end of each day, make a list of all the things you accomplished.
  • Maybe you remembered to take the trash to the curb, pay all your bills on time, exercised for 30 minutes, and helped your child fix her bike.
  • It might sound trivial, but each of these little things matter.
  1. Learn how to motivate yourself. Real, justified confidence comes from the ability to achieve goals. Achieving goals largely comes from the ability to stay motivated.
  • We all know it’s easier to put things off, procrastinate, and invent excuses for not applying ourselves.
  • Set yourself up to be successful each day. Come up with a few daily activities that will improve your life and also provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • For example, you might decide to read a certain number of pages in a book each night or exercise for 45 minutes each morning.
  • Stick with your plan and you’ll begin to trust yourself to follow through.
  1. Take good care of yourself. Looking and feeling your best can contribute to your self-confidence. Take the time to stay healthy and fit. Dress well and practice good grooming habits.
  • If you take good care of yourself, you’ll start to believe you deserve it. And others will believe you deserve it, too. That’s great for your confidence level!
  1. Set goals to boost your confidence. Setting goals is important. It allows you to see what areas of your life require the most confidence. If you have the goal of finding your perfect life partner, you might require more confidence than when it comes to introducing yourself to others.
  2. Challenge your mind on a regular basis. Continue learning new things and keep your mind sharp. Everyone around you will find you interesting.
  • Consider reading, doing brain puzzles, staying on top of current events, improving your vocabulary, and playing games that require a lot of thought.
  1. Work at it every day. Work to complete these simple steps continuously. Strive to better yourself in all of these areas each day.
  • Self-confidence is not a one-time event. It has to be cultivated over time. Growing your self-confidence is not much different from growing vegetables in a garden.

Having a high level of confidence makes life so much more enjoyable. By executing a simple action plan, increasing your confidence can be fun and interesting.

Consider drawing up your own personalised self-confidence action plan. It can be incredibly rewarding. By taking charge of your life, you’ll boost your confidence even higher.

Allowing well-being


We would like you to release the word “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether; and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow”. You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.


Excerpted from: Detroit, MI on July 08, 2000

I actively seek out relaxation in my life.

ladyI create an atmosphere of relaxation within my life.

Instead of waiting for a time to sit back and relax, I proactively make this time for myself. I am aware of my schedule and I make time for special activities that I find relaxing. By scheduling time to do the things that recharge my spirit, I become a more centered person.

I pay attention to how busy I allow myself to get and I ensure time is allotted to do the things I enjoy doing. I allow myself to rearrange my schedule to make me a high priority. Whether it is taking an hour in the evening to soak in a warm tub of bubbles with a glass of wine and a good book, or taking a peaceful stroll through the park, I make time for myself.

My time and my schedule are important, however, my serenity and relaxation is equally important to me. This is why I purposefully make time to step away from my busy life and simply breathe in calmness.

Today I choose to create the time I need to seek relaxation. I may simply need a half hour to feel recharged and today I will schedule this time for myself.

 Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. When managing my time have I allotted relaxation time?
  2. What activities do I find relaxing?
  3. How will I devote 20 minutes a day to relaxing?

10 Natural Ways to Reduce Stress

yoga_Stress is something that affects everyone. Stress does serve a purpose, and there’s even such a thing as good stress. However, when you feel like your stress is getting out of hand, the best thing you can do for your body is to look for natural stress relievers.

Here are some techniques you can use to reduce your stress level:

  1. Practice yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation are ancient arts that have been proven to work. You can practice them separately or together. When you connect the mind, body, and spirit in a healthy, peaceful fashion, you feel more relaxed and rejuvenated.
  2. Enjoy the benefits of green tea. Green tea is a natural herb that you can drink or take in capsule form. It’s loaded with beneficial antioxidants to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. It’s a natural stress reliever and helps boost metabolism to energise you. It may even help with weight loss.
  3. Go for a walk. Many people think that going for a walk is only good for your physical fitness. However, walking can benefit you spiritually and mentally as well. Staying even moderately active increases oxygen levels in your brain, which also improves your mental state. Plus, a 20-minute walk gives your mind a chance to reflect and rejuvenate.
  4. Keep a diary. Keeping a diary can help you unload your thoughts in a private manner. You have the benefits of knowing that your secrets are safe, and you can still vent in the process. Venting on paper just might prove to be a great stress reliever.
  5. Try aromatherapy. Many herbs can be used in aromatherapy to calm you in a natural way. Try lavender, rosemary, or peppermint for some popular choices.
  6. Get a full body massage. A massage is an excellent way to relax your muscles. It also helps to get the blood flowing properly throughout the body, which naturally reduces stress.
  7. Listen to music. You may want to try some traditional relaxing music such as classical or world music. However, everyone is different, so experiment with different types of music that you might find relaxing.
  8. Use stress-reducing herbs. Herbs are affordable, natural, and a great way to relieve your stress. Many herbs have been known to promote calmness and overall feelings of well-being. Some of them include chamomile and St. John’s Wort.
  9. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath is beneficial to your body and mind. The warmth will help your body relax while the peaceful time to yourself will help you achieve a balanced mindset.
  10. Do something funny. The saying “laughter is the best medicine” is no joke! Laughing can help you to relax and therefore reduce stress. Do something you find funny, like going to a comedy show or hanging out with a good friend.

You’ll soon find that there are endless possibilities for natural ways of reducing your stress. Your job will be to find out what works best for you personally. As long as you take time out of each day to take a break and unwind, you’ll be well on your way to reducing your stress.


Energy Medicine: What It Is and What It Is Not

Reiki energy

Energy Medicine Is:

Energy medicine is the art and science of assessing and harmonising the body’s energies to maximise one’s own or another’s well-being.

The body’s energies include the electrical, electromagnetic, and electrochemical energies that are recognised by science as being involved in every bodily function, and they also include the more subtle energies (such as “chakras” and “meridians”) recognised by time-honoured healing and spiritual traditions as providing the animating force of the physical body as well as its invisible infrastructure.

The term “energy medicine” uses the word “medicine” in the sense of “Laughter is good medicine”; “Love is good medicine”; “Exercise is good medicine”; “Gratifying work is good medicine”; “Vacations are good medicine.”

Keeping your energies in an optimal flow and harmony is good medicine. That is the way energy medicine achieves its purpose of enhancing well-being at the levels of body, mind, and spirit.

Energy Medicine Is Not:

Energy medicine is not a specific healing system, but rather an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of energy-oriented healing approaches including: Chakra Balancing, Colour Therapy, Multi-Dimensional Energy Alignment, Crystal Energy Healing, Psychic Awareness, Manifestation Coaching, Essence Therapy – (Shell, Gem, Herb and Flower), Meridians and Body Stress Release

Energy-Balance uses a collection of non-physical therapies that support self-healing. Energy Balance includes Energy Medicine, Aroma Touch Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Healing/Therapy, Numerology, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling and Kinesiology.

Energy-Balance does not diagnose or treat illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices.

Adapted from an explanation posted on