Self-Improvement, Self-Confidence, confidence, lifestyle, lessons, positive psycholo

Improve your future!

IMprove your self-esteem. Meditation, Mindfulness, YogaWhen your self-esteem begins to rise, you realise you have options that you had never thought of before. Suddenly, your future isn’t bleak and depressing, it is exciting and filled with new opportunities and experiences. Rather than dreading the future, you’re anticipating it. So, what’s next? How do you get from where you are today to that bright, shiny future that you’re looking forward to?

So, what’s next? How do you get from where you are today to that bright, shiny future that you’re looking forward to?

It’s time to dream a dream.

Start by day dreaming. What is it that you want to do? Try to think about what you’d like your life to look like if money and time weren’t factors. Would you take dance classes? Start your own business? Embrace your inner artist? Travel across the country in a campervan?

You can’t work toward your dreams until you’ve identified them.

Having many dreams is OK. Most people are passionate about many things, and you don’t have just to pick one thing and do that for the rest of your life. What does your future-self want to accomplish?

It’s time to figure out what you want to accomplish – this isn’t about titles or money or fame –  it’s about how you want to be remembered!

How will leave your mark on the world?
Do you want to be remembered for being that sassy business person that provided clean drinking water for an entire village in a third world country? Do you want to be remembered as the artist and foster mum of many teens that didn’t have a place to go? Do you want to be the secretary that decided to go to medical school at age fifty?

What do you see as the major roadblock to making that happen?
Anticipating road blocks ahead of time can be helpful when you’re thinking about the future. Common barriers might include time, money, or a lack of emotional support. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. Just acknowledge the obstacles. By doing this, you’ll be better prepared mentally and emotionally when you encounter setbacks or problems along the way.

What does your life look like when that roadblock is in the past? 

No matter who you are or what you’re trying to achieve, you will encounter road blocks. To prevail over them, you have to have a clear vision of your future. This vision has to be robust enough to motivate you when you’re still living your ‘before’ story. If your goal is to go back to University, then imagine that moment when you walk across the stage in your graduation gown. If your goal is to start a business, imagine that moment when you get your first client.  Then hold onto that vision – dreaming about your future and planning for it can be exciting. It can also feel a little scary at times, but don’t let the fear stop you.

You deserve a beautiful future filled with dreams come true.