Energy Medicine collage

Discover the healing powers of Complementary Medicine

Learn how to create health, happiness and fulfillment in your life.


*No prescription medication    *Love your mind, body and spirit    *Relieve stress and anxiety

** Clear Stuck Energy **

Move on from the past. Regain your freedom

Do you feel that your life is in a rut and that things rarely change? Your work life and love life can be affected by an inability to move on from past negative experiences. At Energy-Balance we use energy healing techniques to clear stuck energy, so you can free yourself to enjoy your future!

Energy Healing, what is energy healing, reiki, crystal healing

** Learn Who You Are **

Discover the best way to approach loved ones

Are you unsure about who you really are? Do you wonder about the best way to approach certain relationships? At Energy-Balance we use the ancient tools of Numerology and Astrology to give you insightful reports on your life purpose and your compatibility with friends and lovers.Get your FREE beginners guide - Astrology 101 at

** Future-Proof Yourself **

Look forward to living the life of your dreams

Are you struggling to take the lessons you have learned from the past and move forward with a positive attitude? Energy-Balance Life Coaching focuses on creating the future of your dreams by using a step-by-step process to fulfil your highest aspirations.

Our Energy-Balance therapies are gentle and non-invasive and provide treatments for your Mind, Body and Spirit. We use a variety of therapeutic techniques to clear, repair and balance the body’s energy systems which stimulates the body’s natural healing ability and facilitates growth and self-awareness.

Energy-Balance uses a unique method for ‘unblocking’ and releasing repressed pain; negative learned behaviour and self-limiting decisions that started as early as in childhood.

Each negative life incident continues to gain momentum if it remains unresolved or ignored within us. Unless you deal with it, it will only reappear and manifest itself in new and unloving experiences of your life. Such unresolved and deep trauma will determine the quality of your life.

We invite you to come along for an Energy-Balance therapy and discover how easy it can be to relax, revitalise and reach new levels of harmony.

Here’s a brief overview of our therapies:

  • Energy Clearing Excellent for those who feel stuck on past issues and can’t move forward in life. Energy-Balance incorporates Spiritual Counselling, Kinesiology and Reiki to move stuck energy and treat the subtle energy patterns in the body.
  • Life Coaching – Future-proof yourself with Life Coaching! Energy-Balance Life Coaching can assist you to identify and accomplish your highest goals. We focus on positive, realistic and achievable techniques and draw our motivation from disciplines such as positive psychology, universal laws and manifesting counselling.
  • AromatherapyEssential Oils are lovely as a natural or holistic remedy for various ailments. Aromatherapy is the practice of using Essential Oils, which can help complement and help with everything from migraines to skin conditions.
  • Crystal TherapyWhen a body is unwell or diseased, it is usually because the natural rhythm is out of balance. Using crystals with their perfect atomic structure offers patterns for the body to follow to help self-healing.
  • Astrology – A person’s Astrological Chart will often reveal the specific strengths and weaknesses of his or her personality. At Energy-Balance we provide a variety of reports so that you can get to know who you are and how to interact with your loved ones, based on their specific charts.
  • NumerologyWhen using numerology and astrology together there is no longer any need for confusion or frustration caused by trying to make things happen when the time is not right. An Energy-Balance Numerology Chart will reveal an accurate description of who you really are.

Clients invariably report immediate feelings of change, wellbeing, lightness, centeredness and relaxation, yet the healing effects can continue for some time afterwards, as energy and consciousness integrate and toxins are released.

“Energy-Balance helped me finding answers and make decisions that will just make my life better. Definitely everyone should try the Energy Clearing therapies!”
– Alexandra, Quebec, Canada

“My oldest son has autism and as my youngest hadn’t started talking yet, so the Energy-Balance Astrology reports really gave me some insight into my children’s personal preferences.

One thing I liked was the that the reports showed me where we have similarities and differences in our personalities, so I can learn to parent each child in a slightly different way. I found the reports to be extensive, and a really handy tool. I look forward to referring back on them in years to come as my children grow up.

I would highly recommend Energy-Balance Astrology reports to parents who need  to be better able to understand their children.”

– Ann Marie, Dublin, Ireland

By undertaking Energy-Balance therapies, you will begin a path to self-discovery and healing to;

  • regain your personal power and take responsibility for yourself
  • be more centred, and able to manage your energy better
  • be more aware of your behaviours and reactions
  • live a happy future with an increased ability to help others
  • be a calmer person to be around
  • be better able to handle stressful situations as they arise
  • live a more purposeful life
  • be happier, more fulfilled and satisfied
  • be able to ‘bounce back’ after energy draining experiences
  • help out your loved ones who’s energy is scattered or are finding daily situations too hard to cope with

Regular mind-body-spirit therapies can have a profound and exponential effect on how you live your life. You experience feeling less stressed, happier and healthier and you consciously make life choices that are positive for your wellbeing.

If you would like to book a therapy for yourself or a loved one Contact Us and we will begin work on the best way forward to a happy future.

Energy-Balance is a proud member of the Reiki Healers Association and  

Executive Member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

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