The beginners guide to Ancient Astrology 

Are you busting to know what the future holds?

Humans are curious creatures; they are always keen to learn more about what is in the future. When people are facing hardship, they often rely on astrologers to determine how and when they will get over their problems.

Some people draw horoscopes or astrological charts, some use tarot cards, and others read the lines on others’ palms and the potential that astrology has for mapping the future is great. (If this is you, then check out our Who Am I ?’ personalised astrology report).

Astrology has been in existence ever since human beings could identify themselves as ‘human’. Looking at the stars, you can easily feel the enormity of the universe and how inconspicuous we are. Hence, people have an ever-growing curiosity regarding how we came to Earth, what happens when we die, how we should live our lives, and even our quest for the force that governs our existence can only be satisfied by seeking knowledge in different ways.

The ancient Babylonians were the first to lay down detailed ‘rules’ for astrology. The Chinese, Egyptians, Mayans, Indians and ancient Greeks either elaborated on this basic principle or created their own forms of astrology by interpreting the Babylonians’ basic structure. Astrology has been a key component of nearly every ancient civilisation. The main belief in astrology is the idea that the planets and stars each possess certain energies. These energies depend on their positions in the sky, about each other and the Earth, in order to create unique patterns. These patterns then shape the character and behavior of each individual.

The energies basic to the Vedic and Western worldviews are nothing but dramatic interpretations of the stars and their constellations. Both cultures have an astrological system which revolves around the belief that stars not only guide us, but also create us.

The ancient Greek tradition of the classic Zodiac is a mythology in which a horoscope is used to construct maps. These maps depict the positions of the planets and stars and ultimately affect the energies of people.

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What’s the difference between and Emotions, Feelings and Moods?

Joshua Freedman of Six Seconds, the Emotional Intelligence Network, says the simple answer is time.

Emotions are chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific trigger.  It takes our brains about 1/4 second to identify the trigger, and about another 1/4 second to produce the chemicals.  By the way, emotion chemicals are released throughout our bodies, not just in our brains, and they form a kind of feedback loop between our brains & bodies.  They last for about six seconds.

Feelings happen as we begin to integrate the emotion, to think about it, to “let it soak in.”  In English, we use “feel” for both physical and emotional sensation — we can say we physically feel cold, but we can also emotionally feel cold.  This is a clue to the meaning of “feeling,” it’s something we sense.  Feelings are more “cognitively saturated” as the emotion chemicals are processed in our brains & bodies. Feelings are often fueled by a mix of emotions, and last for longer than emotions.

Moods are more generalised.  They’re not tied to a specific incident, but a collection of inputs.  Mood is heavily influenced by our environment (weather, lighting, color, people around us), by our physiology (what we’ve been eating, how we’ve been exercising, if we have a cold or not, how well we slept), by our thinking (where we’re focusing attention), and by our current emotions.  Moods can last minutes, hours, probably even days.



During her life, Dr Candace Pert, PhD, a pioneering Neuroscientist completed ground-breaking work on defining the link between mind body and spirit. Dr Pert was most famous for discovering the opiate receptor while still a graduate student.  Later, she became a pivotal spokesperson of the Bodymind and Wellness movements. She also spent much of the last three decades developing a new line of peptide-based drugs, including Peptide T, an anti-AIDS drug.

dr-candice-pert-quote-mind-bodyHer research demonstrates that internal chemicals—neuropeptides and their receptors—are the biological underpinnings of our awareness, manifesting as our emotions, beliefs, and expectations. These neuropeptides profoundly influence how we respond to and experience our world.

In the book the Molecules of Emotion, Dr Pert says that ‘on one level, emotions are not “feelings”; they are streams of biochemical properties that interact with the brain, producing feelings’.

Much of Dr Pert’s research involved receptor cells. Receptors are molecules made up of proteins that function as sensing molecules or scanners that hover in the membranes of cells. In order to operate, receptors need ligands, substances that bind to specific receptors on the surface of a cell. Ligands come in three chemical types. The first are neurotransmitters, small molecules of varying names such as histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These transmit nerve impulses across a synapse or gap between nerve cells. Steroids are another form of ligands and include the sex hormones testosterone, progesterone, and oestrogen. Peptides are the third type, constituting most of the body’s ligands. Peptides are primarily an informational substance. Like receptors; they are made up of strings of amino acids. Neuropeptides are smaller peptides that are active with neural tissue, while polypeptides are typically larger.

Dr Pert found that our emotions are carried around the body by peptide ligands that change cells chemical properties by binding to the receptor sites located on the cells. Because they also carry an electrical charge, they modify the cells electrical frequency. According to Dr Pert, we continuously transmit and receive electrical signals in the form of vibrations, our experience of feelings is the “vibrational dance” that occur as peptides bind to their receptors; the brain interprets different vibrations as different feelings. Certain cells become “addicted” to certain ligands. If we have been angry a long time, cellular receptors learn to accept only the “anger vibrations” and reject those that might cause happiness.

For more on Dr Pert see the video below:


AstrologyAstrology is as old as measured time. Although there are many different approaches to astrology, all astrologers appear united in the idea that there is a connection between the heavens and the Earth — they share one common space. For centuries there has been a misunderstanding concerning the nature of astrology to the effect that the heavens somehow “influence” events here on Earth. This theory of celestial influence has penetrated into the modern world until today it is the main concept or idea of astrology supported by the public — the lay astrological audience.

Professional astrologers do not hold with theories of celestial influence. Instead, the modern astrologer conceives of the heavens and Earth as united, interpenetrating, and sharing a common space and time. The great cosmic or celestial events happening around and beyond the Earth (eclipses, lineups, and so on) are not seen as CAUSING events to occur on Earth, but as great signatures of events ALSO happening here on Earth. In other words, there is no “cause” in the heavens followed by an “effect” here on Earth. Instead, both planetary and earthly events happen simultaneously and are mutually reflective. Neither is the cause of the other; both are the product of the moment, one acted out in the heavens above, the other here on the Earth below.

While astrologers don’t feel that heavenly events are the cause of events here on Earth, they do feel that specific heavenly events are enacted here on the Earth too — at the same moment. In other words, there is only one grand “play.” The great drama enacted in the sky is also acted out (in exact detail) here on Earth in the same instant. Another way to say this is that the Earth is part of the cosmos and shares in that cosmic moment. Scientists have been discovering (for example) that sunspots, solar flares, and solar activity have a very definite (and almost immediate) effect here on Earth. Astrologers tend to feel that all major cosmic events such as eclipses are interactive; they represent an activity also taking place within us and our consciousness.

In summary, astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they are reflected in our earthly environment and vice- versa — a vast cosmic clock. Astrologers find the cosmic patterns revealed in the rhythmic motions of the planets a great help in shedding light on the seeming helter-skelter of everyday life. Astrologers may have their heads in the heavens, but only to better guide their feet here on Earth.

Allowing well-being


We would like you to release the word “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether; and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow”. You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.


Excerpted from: Detroit, MI on July 08, 2000

I actively seek out relaxation in my life.

ladyI create an atmosphere of relaxation within my life.

Instead of waiting for a time to sit back and relax, I proactively make this time for myself. I am aware of my schedule and I make time for special activities that I find relaxing. By scheduling time to do the things that recharge my spirit, I become a more centered person.

I pay attention to how busy I allow myself to get and I ensure time is allotted to do the things I enjoy doing. I allow myself to rearrange my schedule to make me a high priority. Whether it is taking an hour in the evening to soak in a warm tub of bubbles with a glass of wine and a good book, or taking a peaceful stroll through the park, I make time for myself.

My time and my schedule are important, however, my serenity and relaxation is equally important to me. This is why I purposefully make time to step away from my busy life and simply breathe in calmness.

Today I choose to create the time I need to seek relaxation. I may simply need a half hour to feel recharged and today I will schedule this time for myself.

 Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. When managing my time have I allotted relaxation time?
  2. What activities do I find relaxing?
  3. How will I devote 20 minutes a day to relaxing?

Energy Medicine: What It Is and What It Is Not

Reiki energy

Energy Medicine Is:

Energy medicine is the art and science of assessing and harmonising the body’s energies to maximise one’s own or another’s well-being.

The body’s energies include the electrical, electromagnetic, and electrochemical energies that are recognised by science as being involved in every bodily function, and they also include the more subtle energies (such as “chakras” and “meridians”) recognised by time-honoured healing and spiritual traditions as providing the animating force of the physical body as well as its invisible infrastructure.

The term “energy medicine” uses the word “medicine” in the sense of “Laughter is good medicine”; “Love is good medicine”; “Exercise is good medicine”; “Gratifying work is good medicine”; “Vacations are good medicine.”

Keeping your energies in an optimal flow and harmony is good medicine. That is the way energy medicine achieves its purpose of enhancing well-being at the levels of body, mind, and spirit.

Energy Medicine Is Not:

Energy medicine is not a specific healing system, but rather an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of energy-oriented healing approaches including: Chakra Balancing, Colour Therapy, Multi-Dimensional Energy Alignment, Crystal Energy Healing, Psychic Awareness, Manifestation Coaching, Essence Therapy – (Shell, Gem, Herb and Flower), Meridians and Body Stress Release

Energy-Balance uses a collection of non-physical therapies that support self-healing. Energy Balance includes Energy Medicine, Aroma Touch Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Healing/Therapy, Numerology, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling and Kinesiology.

Energy-Balance does not diagnose or treat illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices.

Adapted from an explanation posted on