The importance of the sense of smell

The sense of smell (olfaction) can bring out strong physiologic, mental, and emotional responses. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behaviour, and memory. For this reason, essential oils have a particularly powerful effect. 

Our sense of smell has a powerful influence over our thoughts, feelings, moods, memories and behaviours. A healthy human nose can distinguish over a trillion different aromas through, hundreds of distinct classes of smell receptors.

It’s accurate to say we “smell” danger. Our sense of smell is connected to our survival; it plays a significant role in remembering what is and isn’t safe and what is and isn’t pleasurable.

The smell of essential oils can be effective in healing. Essential Oils provide stress relief, stabilise moods, improve sleep, eliminate pain, and increase energy levels. In short, scents can change nervous system biochemistry.

Using Essential Oils Safely

As the research on essential oils continues to develop, we are gaining a greater understanding of application methods for essential oils.  All application methods are safe when used correctly, including aromatic (to smell), topical (put on your skin), and internal (eat them!) methods.

You can use one oil many ways, for a broad range of emotional and physical wellness applications. You can use an oil on its own, or blend it together with a carrier oil for application with many different ailments.

Here are some further explanations on the three recommended uses for dōTERRA essential oils:


The sense of smell can cause powerful physiologic, mental, and emotional responses. Essential oils are rapidly absorbed by smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behaviour and memory. For this reason, essential oils have a particularly powerful effect on changing emotional responses through the direct link from the nose to the brain’s limbic system.

Some essential oils induce uplifting or invigorating effects, while others are more relaxing and calming. Diffusion is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. Diffusers that use cold air or water are ideal. However, using essential oils aromatically does not require any special diffusing devices.

You can achieve the same health benefits by just placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand that is then cupped around the nose as you breathe deeply.

Additional aromatic uses for Essential Oils Include:

  • Apply oil to a cotton ball and place in the air vents of your vehicle
  • Mix oils in a spray bottle with water and mist over furniture, carpet, or linens
  • Add oil to a batch of laundry or dryer sheets
  • Use in household surface cleaners


Topical application is a very effective method for applying essential oils. Because essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid soluble, they quickly penetrate the skin. Once absorbed, they stay in the affected area for a localised benefit.

Although essential oils are readily absorbed, there are many ways to increase absorption. Using a light massage will increase the blood flow to the area of application, in turn improving distribution throughout the body. Use of a carrier oil can also increase absorption, especially in the skin that is dry or flaky as it helps moisturise the skin and slow evaporation of the oil.

To reduce the likelihood of developing a skin sensitivity, especially on young or sensitive skin, you should use a carrier oil (such as Fractionated Coconut Oil) to dilute stronger oils and when trying out an oil for the first time. The recommend dilution ratio is typically one drop of essential oil to three drops of carrier oil.

It’s always worthwhile to use several small doses throughout the day rather than a single large dose. Start with the lowest possible dose (1–2 drops). A topical dose can be repeated every 4–6 hours as needed. Because every individual is unique, the treatment will vary for each based on size, age, and overall health status.

Best Areas You Can Apply Essential Oils

  • Neck
  • Forehead and temples
  • Chest and abdomen
  • Arms, legs, bottom of feet

Other Effective Methods of Topical Application 

  • Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath
  • Make a hot or cold compress by soaking a towel or cloth in water, adding essential oils, and then applying to the desired area
  • Add oil to a lotion or moisturiser and then apply to skin

Sensitive Areas to be Avoided:

  • Some facial areas, such as the skin around the eyes
  • Eyes and inner ears
  • Broken, damaged, or otherwise injured skin



Dilution is one of the most important aspects of effective topical application; it is also one of the most misunderstood.

Carrier oils such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, have been shown to improve essential oil application through several different pathways.

Evaporation is the main issue in topical application, as body heat and the skin present a formidable barrier. One of the most important benefits of dilution is that it slows the flashing off of the volatile aromatic compounds, largely through one of the fundamental laws of fluid dynamics: decreasing the surface area of a substance exposed to air reduces the rate of evaporation.

When diluted, essential oil chemical constituents have been shown to pass through the epidermis in the skin more efficiently than when applied neat. 



We ONLY recommend SOME of dōTERRA Essential Oils for internal consumption as dōTERRA after undergoing rigorous CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® Quality Testing

Traditionally certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions (see Essential Oil Metabolism). When you sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal, sip a mug of peppermint tea, or add fresh basil leaves to your spaghetti, you are consuming some volatile aromatic essential oil compounds.

Essential oils contribute many health benefits as well as flavouring and aroma properties to foods. When in their concentrated form, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements for more targeted and potent health benefits. Internal use is a very safe and efficient method of application because of the sophisticated physiologic processes of our bodies.

When ingested, essential oils directly enter the bloodstream via the gastrointestinal tract, where they are transported throughout the rest of the body. Essential oils are lipid soluble, so they are readily transported to all organs of the body, including the brain. Then, like all things we consume, essential oils are metabolised by the liver and other organs and are then excreted.

The composition of essential oils is highly involved. Each constituent possesses a unique set of biochemical properties that react with cells and organs in different ways. Although these mechanisms of action are not completely understood, the positive end results have been demonstrated. However, the body is only equipped to handle appropriate doses of essential oils.

Proper dosing according to labelling recommendations and other professional guidelines should be strictly followed to avoid toxicity.

Today, many essential oils are found on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) list, which affirms the safe use of essential oils as flavouring agents and preservatives. Every substance found on this list has a well-documented history of internal safety. Although essential oils have health applications that extend far beyond flavouring, this list sets a safety framework that can be applied to the internal use of essential oils.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What’s the difference between and Emotions, Feelings and Moods?

Joshua Freedman of Six Seconds, the Emotional Intelligence Network, says the simple answer is time.

Emotions are chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific trigger.  It takes our brains about 1/4 second to identify the trigger, and about another 1/4 second to produce the chemicals.  By the way, emotion chemicals are released throughout our bodies, not just in our brains, and they form a kind of feedback loop between our brains & bodies.  They last for about six seconds.

Feelings happen as we begin to integrate the emotion, to think about it, to “let it soak in.”  In English, we use “feel” for both physical and emotional sensation — we can say we physically feel cold, but we can also emotionally feel cold.  This is a clue to the meaning of “feeling,” it’s something we sense.  Feelings are more “cognitively saturated” as the emotion chemicals are processed in our brains & bodies. Feelings are often fueled by a mix of emotions, and last for longer than emotions.

Moods are more generalised.  They’re not tied to a specific incident, but a collection of inputs.  Mood is heavily influenced by our environment (weather, lighting, color, people around us), by our physiology (what we’ve been eating, how we’ve been exercising, if we have a cold or not, how well we slept), by our thinking (where we’re focusing attention), and by our current emotions.  Moods can last minutes, hours, probably even days.


AromaTouch Technique

What is the AromaTouch™ Technique?

7[1]dōTERRA’s AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the AromaTouch Technique improves wellbeing by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function. The technique is simple and intuitive and uses dōTERRA’s CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Gradeessential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience for recipients.

AromaTouch™ Procedure

The AromaTouch Technique includes four primary steps designed to minimise systemic stressors to autonomic balance.

Each step includes the application of two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for wellbeing. The technique requires 30 minutes per application, and multiple applications can be serviced with one set of dōTERRA’s essential oils.      Homeostasis


AromaTouch™ Hand Technique

An AromaTouch™ Hand Technique massage provides rapid stress reduction and a beautiful introduction to aromatherapy.

A light hand massage can promote healing and relaxation throughout the body’s system without being too vigorous. Pressure points on the hand have physiological correspondences to the rest of the body, and there are also nerve receptors here that send messages of relaxation to the brain.

Typically AromaTouch™ Hand Technique is quick, relaxing and provides you with immediate health benefits, such as improved finger and wrist range of motion and enhanced circulation in your hand muscles.

I actively seek out relaxation in my life.

ladyI create an atmosphere of relaxation within my life.

Instead of waiting for a time to sit back and relax, I proactively make this time for myself. I am aware of my schedule and I make time for special activities that I find relaxing. By scheduling time to do the things that recharge my spirit, I become a more centered person.

I pay attention to how busy I allow myself to get and I ensure time is allotted to do the things I enjoy doing. I allow myself to rearrange my schedule to make me a high priority. Whether it is taking an hour in the evening to soak in a warm tub of bubbles with a glass of wine and a good book, or taking a peaceful stroll through the park, I make time for myself.

My time and my schedule are important, however, my serenity and relaxation is equally important to me. This is why I purposefully make time to step away from my busy life and simply breathe in calmness.

Today I choose to create the time I need to seek relaxation. I may simply need a half hour to feel recharged and today I will schedule this time for myself.

 Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. When managing my time have I allotted relaxation time?
  2. What activities do I find relaxing?
  3. How will I devote 20 minutes a day to relaxing?

10 Natural Ways to Reduce Stress

yoga_Stress is something that affects everyone. Stress does serve a purpose, and there’s even such a thing as good stress. However, when you feel like your stress is getting out of hand, the best thing you can do for your body is to look for natural stress relievers.

Here are some techniques you can use to reduce your stress level:

  1. Practice yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation are ancient arts that have been proven to work. You can practice them separately or together. When you connect the mind, body, and spirit in a healthy, peaceful fashion, you feel more relaxed and rejuvenated.
  2. Enjoy the benefits of green tea. Green tea is a natural herb that you can drink or take in capsule form. It’s loaded with beneficial antioxidants to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. It’s a natural stress reliever and helps boost metabolism to energise you. It may even help with weight loss.
  3. Go for a walk. Many people think that going for a walk is only good for your physical fitness. However, walking can benefit you spiritually and mentally as well. Staying even moderately active increases oxygen levels in your brain, which also improves your mental state. Plus, a 20-minute walk gives your mind a chance to reflect and rejuvenate.
  4. Keep a diary. Keeping a diary can help you unload your thoughts in a private manner. You have the benefits of knowing that your secrets are safe, and you can still vent in the process. Venting on paper just might prove to be a great stress reliever.
  5. Try aromatherapy. Many herbs can be used in aromatherapy to calm you in a natural way. Try lavender, rosemary, or peppermint for some popular choices.
  6. Get a full body massage. A massage is an excellent way to relax your muscles. It also helps to get the blood flowing properly throughout the body, which naturally reduces stress.
  7. Listen to music. You may want to try some traditional relaxing music such as classical or world music. However, everyone is different, so experiment with different types of music that you might find relaxing.
  8. Use stress-reducing herbs. Herbs are affordable, natural, and a great way to relieve your stress. Many herbs have been known to promote calmness and overall feelings of well-being. Some of them include chamomile and St. John’s Wort.
  9. Take a warm bath. Taking a warm bath is beneficial to your body and mind. The warmth will help your body relax while the peaceful time to yourself will help you achieve a balanced mindset.
  10. Do something funny. The saying “laughter is the best medicine” is no joke! Laughing can help you to relax and therefore reduce stress. Do something you find funny, like going to a comedy show or hanging out with a good friend.

You’ll soon find that there are endless possibilities for natural ways of reducing your stress. Your job will be to find out what works best for you personally. As long as you take time out of each day to take a break and unwind, you’ll be well on your way to reducing your stress.


Energy Medicine: What It Is and What It Is Not

Reiki energy

Energy Medicine Is:

Energy medicine is the art and science of assessing and harmonising the body’s energies to maximise one’s own or another’s well-being.

The body’s energies include the electrical, electromagnetic, and electrochemical energies that are recognised by science as being involved in every bodily function, and they also include the more subtle energies (such as “chakras” and “meridians”) recognised by time-honoured healing and spiritual traditions as providing the animating force of the physical body as well as its invisible infrastructure.

The term “energy medicine” uses the word “medicine” in the sense of “Laughter is good medicine”; “Love is good medicine”; “Exercise is good medicine”; “Gratifying work is good medicine”; “Vacations are good medicine.”

Keeping your energies in an optimal flow and harmony is good medicine. That is the way energy medicine achieves its purpose of enhancing well-being at the levels of body, mind, and spirit.

Energy Medicine Is Not:

Energy medicine is not a specific healing system, but rather an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of energy-oriented healing approaches including: Chakra Balancing, Colour Therapy, Multi-Dimensional Energy Alignment, Crystal Energy Healing, Psychic Awareness, Manifestation Coaching, Essence Therapy – (Shell, Gem, Herb and Flower), Meridians and Body Stress Release

Energy-Balance uses a collection of non-physical therapies that support self-healing. Energy Balance includes Energy Medicine, Aroma Touch Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Healing/Therapy, Numerology, Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling and Kinesiology.

Energy-Balance does not diagnose or treat illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices.

Adapted from an explanation posted on