
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary is an aromatic, evergreen shrub whose leaves are frequently used to flavour foods such as stuffings, pork, roast lamb, chicken, and turkey. Along with its culinary applications, Rosemary has many benefits. Long revered by experts, Rosemary was considered sacred by the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew cultures. Rosemary’s herbaceous and uplifting scent is frequently used in aromatherapy.


  • Diffuse while studying to create an uplifting atmosphere.
  • Combine 1/4 cup arrowroot powder and 2 drops each of Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint for a simple dry shampoo.
  • Add 1-2 drops of Rosemary essential oil to meats and favourite entrées for flavouring.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Food additive use: Dilute one drop in 120 mL or 1/2 cup of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

A = Can be used aromatically

T = Can be used topically. Apply one to two drops to desired area.

S = Dilute for young or sensitive skin. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.

If you want to purchase oils go here.

To book an aromatherapy massage click here.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of using Aromatherapy to reduce the effects of stress or anxiety for yourself or a loved one, please contact us here .

Using The Imagination To Control Your Thoughts

How To Magnetise Your Desires With Imagination

Using The Imagination To Control Your Thoughts

Everything is spirit. Everything! It is all energy and consciousness.

What does the Law of Attraction have to do with this? How does success come about by becoming aware of the Law of Attraction and its principles?

The imagination is a fascinating, powerful place. For example, remember any incident from primary school – writing with a fat pencil, perhaps. (Remember those fat pencils?) Now, think of someplace you plan to go in the next month and imagine yourself there. Good. Now, imagine yourself on the moon, looking back at the earth – a big blue marble in the blackness of space. Excellent, isn’t it?

This is the power of the imagination: we can return to the past, rehearse the future, and zoom off on flights of fancy – all within seconds.

The images you had may not have been well-detailed or held in the imagination for very long, but you probably had some sense of each. Some people primarily see in their imaginations, others mainly hear, others mostly feel. Whatever you do is fine.

When we do not have conscious control of the imagination, our imaginations can work against us. We relive the horrors of the past – the fears that were justified, the guilt that was especially bad, the unworthinesses at their worst, the hurt feelings at their most painful, the anger at its most destructive. Considering the false history created by the mind’s careful selection and occasional rewriting, it’s easy to feel discouraged about ourselves and everything we might consider doing.

The mind also uses the imagination when considering the future. It projects an image of not just failure but monumental failure, embarrassing failure, public and unconditional failure. Considering this opposition, it’s incredible that we even get out of bed. The mind (unless you control it) also uses every news story – and every other fictional account – of disaster to show us why we had better not do anything new, ever. It’s time to recapture the imagination from your mind’s fears. Your imagination is yours. You can remember the past you choose, rehearse the future you want, and identify with the real and fictional heroes and events of your selection.

When we remember the things from our past (both good and bad), we build an image of ourselves as doers and achievers – charmed, kind and terrific. This forms a solid base for future action.

When we project our dreams into a positive future, we see that we can have what we want. A positive image of the future not only shows us how to get there, but it also draws us to it, attracting us toward our dreams like a magnet.

When we hear some good news, read an inspirational story or see an uplifting movie, we can use our imagination to put ourselves in the centre of the action. This allows us to identify with all the good, happy and wonderful images in our culture – and know that we’re one of them.

Learning about Ancient Astrology

Learning about Ancient Astrology

Itching to know more about what the future holds for you? Humans are curious creatures; they are always eager to learn more, especially about what is in our future and beyond our grasp. When people are facing hardship, they often rely on astrologers to determine how and when they will come out of their misery.

Humans put a great deal of time and effort into their work, and then keep their fingers crossed that this investment will bear fruit. Many experts have successfully predicted future events without using any kind of rigorous procedure; some people draw horoscopes or astrological charts, some use tarot cards, and others read the lines on others’ palms. But each time a prediction proves itself to be correct, the potential that astrology has for mapping the future becomes greater.

Astrology has been in existence ever since human beings could identify themselves as ‘human’.
Looking at the stars, one can easily feel the enormity of the universe and how inconspicuous we are. Hence, man’s ever-growing curiosity regarding how we came to Earth, what happens when we die, how we should live our lives, and even our quest for the force that governs our existence can only be satisfied by seeking knowledge in different ways.

The ancient Babylonians were the first to lay down detailed ‘rules’ for astrology. The Chinese, Egyptians, Mayans, Indians, and ancient Greeks either elaborated on this basic principle or created their own forms of astrology by interpreting the Babylonians’ basic structure.
Astrology has been a key component of nearly every ancient civilization. The main conviction in astrology is the idea that the planets and stars each possess certain energies. These energies depend on their positions in the sky, relative to each other and the Earth, in order to create unique patterns. These patterns then shape the character and behaviour of each individual.

The energies basic to the Vedic and Western worldviews are nothing but dramatic interpretations of the stars and their constellations. Both cultures have an astrological system which revolves around the belief that stars not only guide us but also create us.
The ancient Greek tradition of the classic zodiac is a mythology in which a horoscope is used to construct maps. These maps depict the positions of the planets and stars and ultimately affect the energies of people.
The future awaits you.

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The beginners guide to Ancient Astrology 

Are you busting to know what the future holds?

Humans are curious creatures; they are always keen to learn more about what is in the future. When people are facing hardship, they often rely on astrologers to determine how and when they will get over their problems.

Some people draw horoscopes or astrological charts, some use tarot cards, and others read the lines on others’ palms and the potential that astrology has for mapping the future is great. (If this is you, then check out our Who Am I ?’ personalised astrology report).

Astrology has been in existence ever since human beings could identify themselves as ‘human’. Looking at the stars, you can easily feel the enormity of the universe and how inconspicuous we are. Hence, people have an ever-growing curiosity regarding how we came to Earth, what happens when we die, how we should live our lives, and even our quest for the force that governs our existence can only be satisfied by seeking knowledge in different ways.

The ancient Babylonians were the first to lay down detailed ‘rules’ for astrology. The Chinese, Egyptians, Mayans, Indians and ancient Greeks either elaborated on this basic principle or created their own forms of astrology by interpreting the Babylonians’ basic structure. Astrology has been a key component of nearly every ancient civilisation. The main belief in astrology is the idea that the planets and stars each possess certain energies. These energies depend on their positions in the sky, about each other and the Earth, in order to create unique patterns. These patterns then shape the character and behavior of each individual.

The energies basic to the Vedic and Western worldviews are nothing but dramatic interpretations of the stars and their constellations. Both cultures have an astrological system which revolves around the belief that stars not only guide us, but also create us.

The ancient Greek tradition of the classic Zodiac is a mythology in which a horoscope is used to construct maps. These maps depict the positions of the planets and stars and ultimately affect the energies of people.

Want to know more? Click here to sign up for your FREE Astrology 101 ebook and newsletter.

Self-Improvement, Self-Confidence, confidence, lifestlyle, lessons, positive psychology

A Foolproof Plan to Boost Your Confidence

We have the power to imagine a better world

Do you feel like you could benefit from strengthening your confidence? While it’s not 100% imperative to have confidence, it certainly makes life a lot easier.

You can still accomplish things without self-confidence, but would you actually try? If you don’t believe you’re going to be successful, you’ll likely throw in the towel before getting very far. Confidence can be elusive as our success ebbs and wanes.

How can you maintain your confidence through the ups and downs of life?

Try these tips. They’ll raise your self-confidence through the roof:

  1. Know thyself. Make a list of all of your strengths and capabilities. Include things that you seem to have a talent for but have never actually tried. Perhaps you’re reliable, intelligent, coordinated, and have excellent musical abilities. A great way to get to know who you really are is to have your astrology chart done. An Energy-BalanceWho Am I?’ report will reveal your potential based on the way the stars were aligned at your birth!
  • Putting your positive qualities on paper will show you the many reasons you have to be self-confident. You’re already doing better than you think.
  1. List your major achievements. Think about all the amazing things you’ve already accomplished. We tend to mentally linger on our perceived failures. Try lingering on the good stuff for a change. We can choose our thoughts, so choose wisely.
  2. Make a list of your daily accomplishments. At the end of each day, make a list of all the things you accomplished.
  • Maybe you remembered to take the trash to the curb, pay all your bills on time, exercised for 30 minutes, and helped your child fix her bike.
  • It might sound trivial, but each of these little things matter.
  1. Learn how to motivate yourself. Real, justified confidence comes from the ability to achieve goals. Achieving goals largely comes from the ability to stay motivated.
  • We all know it’s easier to put things off, procrastinate, and invent excuses for not applying ourselves.
  • Set yourself up to be successful each day. Come up with a few daily activities that will improve your life and also provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • For example, you might decide to read a certain number of pages in a book each night or exercise for 45 minutes each morning.
  • Stick with your plan and you’ll begin to trust yourself to follow through.
  1. Take good care of yourself. Looking and feeling your best can contribute to your self-confidence. Take the time to stay healthy and fit. Dress well and practice good grooming habits.
  • If you take good care of yourself, you’ll start to believe you deserve it. And others will believe you deserve it, too. That’s great for your confidence level!
  1. Set goals to boost your confidence. Setting goals is important. It allows you to see what areas of your life require the most confidence. If you have the goal of finding your perfect life partner, you might require more confidence than when it comes to introducing yourself to others.
  2. Challenge your mind on a regular basis. Continue learning new things and keep your mind sharp. Everyone around you will find you interesting.
  • Consider reading, doing brain puzzles, staying on top of current events, improving your vocabulary, and playing games that require a lot of thought.
  1. Work at it every day. Work to complete these simple steps continuously. Strive to better yourself in all of these areas each day.
  • Self-confidence is not a one-time event. It has to be cultivated over time. Growing your self-confidence is not much different from growing vegetables in a garden.

Having a high level of confidence makes life so much more enjoyable. By executing a simple action plan, increasing your confidence can be fun and interesting.

Consider drawing up your own personalised self-confidence action plan. It can be incredibly rewarding. By taking charge of your life, you’ll boost your confidence even higher.

10 Tips for building your Self Confidence

A lack of confidence can affect every area of your life, from your job performance to your personal relationships.

In reality, how you perceive yourself has a powerful impact on how others treat you.

Some factors in bolstering self-confidence may be beyond your control, but there are some very tangible things that you can do as well. Using these tips will help you reach your full potential as a successful and confident person.

1. Dress confidently. Dress like the person you want to be and you’ll feel yourself become that person. When you look good, you’ll feel good. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to go out and spend a fortune on clothes. It’s better to buy a few really nice pieces than a bunch of cheap ones.

2. Walk faster. People who walk confidently keep a brisk pace because they have things to do and places to be. Simply quickening your step will help you feel more confident.

3. Keep good posture. People can tell a lot about you by the way you carry yourself. If you have slumped shoulders and cannot look people in the eye, you’ll leave a negative impression on them. Keep your head up, make eye contact with others, and stand up straight and tall. You have nothing to hide.

4. Be grateful. Gratitude creates a state of peace in the body. A peaceful mind radiates confidence. Make a list of the things you appreciate about yourself and be grateful for your past successes. Tell those you love how much you appreciate them being in your life.

5. Compliment others. In addition to showing appreciation for what you have, it’s also important to show others your appreciation. If you think negatively about yourself, then you’ll have a tendency to criticize others. Break this habit by praising others on a daily basis. Seeing the best in others will bring out the best in you.

6. Give back. Contributing to the success of others will not only help you feel better about yourself, but karma will reward you in the end. What goes around comes around, right? Volunteer your time to help those in need or make a monetary contribution to your favorite local charity.

7. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Many people keep quiet for fear of saying something silly. Taking an active role in discussions will distinguish you as a leader amongst your peers. They will quickly recognize that you have confidence and plenty to offer.

8. Exercise regularly . If you work hard to create a better physical image, you’ll not only be healthier, but you’ll also have more energy. Both of these things will contribute to your self-confidence, as will the compliments you’ll receive.

9. Sit in the front row. Most of us have a tendency to try to blend into the back of the room somewhere. We don’t like being noticed. Confident people sit up front where they can take part in discussions without fear.

10. Take a chance and try something new. Learning a new hobby or activity will broaden your horizons and help you feel “alive.” Anytime you spend stretching your mind improves your overall self-confidence.

The more self-confidence you build in yourself, the more likely you’ll be to succeed. No matter what task you choose to conquer, you’ll do so with enthusiasm. Any setbacks you encounter won’t bother you because you’ll have the confidence necessary to continue.

Those who are insecure often find life to be a struggle, but with self-confidence, you can find it to be a joy.

Why suffer when you can soar!

Aromatherapy History

French perfumer and chemist, Rene- Maurice Gattefosse, created the term “aromatherapie” in 1937 with his publication of a book by that name.

His book “Gattefosse’s Aromatherapy” includes very early clinical findings for making use of Essential Oils for a variety of physical disorders. It is important to consider exactly what Gattefosse’s intent for creating the word was, as he clearly wanted to distinguish the medicinal application of essential oils from their perfumery applications.

We can conclude that his coining of the word “Aromatherapie” was to suggest the therapeutic application or the medical use of fragrant compounds (essential oils) for alternative wellness. As the technique of aromatherapy has advanced, throughout the years, it has embraced a more alternative approach incorporating the entire mind, body and spirit.

Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on treatment which seeks to generate leisure, to enhance power, to decrease the effects of tension and also to restore lost balance to mind, the body as well as the heart.”  – Robert Tisserand

Aromatherapy can be defined as the controlled use of essential oils to preserve and also advertise physical, psychological, as well as spiritual well-being.” –  Gabriel Mojay

At Energy-Balance we consider Aromatherapy to be a science of utilising fragrant essences from plants to balance, harmonise and ensure the wellness of body, mind and spirit.

The benefits of using Aromatherapy are to reduce the effects of stress or anxiety for yourself or a loved ones, to provide immune enhancement, inflammation and pain reduction and to achieve homeostasis.

As a holistic method, Aromatherapy is both a preventative method, and an energetic technique to use as both a preventive to dis-ease, a mood enhancer, and as stress relief during chronic stages of disease or ‘dis’-simplicity.

It is an organic, non-invasive technique made to influence the entire individual, not just the sign or illness and to assist the body’s all-natural ability to equilibrium, regulate, heal and also keep itself by the appropriate usage of essential oils.”  – Jade Shutes

Aromatherapy is … the experienced and also regulated usage of essential oils for physical as well as psychological health and wellness and well-being.   – Valerie Cooksley

Mood Management with Essential Oils

4-mood-oilsWith around 1 million Australian adults having depression, and over 2 million having anxiety, essential oils can be a great natural solution without harmful side effects.  In addition, with an increase in children with depression, essential oils can be a safe alternative to harmful medication.

DoTERRA have 4 Mood Matrix blended oils, ready to go to quickly take you up the emotional scale from fatigued and stressed – to balanced and uplifted.  They are –

Serenity – Peaceful and Calming

Citrus Bliss – Uplifting and Elevating

Elevation – Peaceful and Calming

Balance – Grounding and Balancing

Essential Oils have the power to quickly change moodsAromatherapy allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants for healing, or just to enhance a state of well-being using scents to create a powerful influence over how one thinks feels and behaves. Although medical technology is not advanced enough to see them, memories, trauma and painful emotions are stored in the body and eventually manifest as physical inflammation when the body’s tissues follow suit.



If you want to purchase oils go here.

To book an aromatherapy massage click here.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of using Aromatherapy to reduce the effects of stress or anxiety for yourself or a loved one, please contact us here .

Black Pepper

For the corporate use of doTERRA International LLC. File distrobution and third party use/sales are restricted.

Black Pepper Piper nigrum

With noteworthy topical and internal benefits, Black Pepper essential oil can be used to add spice and sharpness when cooking, or to ward off seasonal and environmental threats.


Black Pepper is best known as a common cooking spice that enhances the flavor of foods, but its internal and topical benefits are equally noteworthy. This essential oil is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, known for their antioxidant activity* and ability to help ward off environmental and seasonal threats. Black Pepper promotes healthy circulation,* but should be used with caution when applied topically due to its strong warming sensation. It can also help with the digestion of foods, making it an ideal oil to cook with and enjoy both for its flavor and internal benefits.*


  • Create a warming, soothing massage by combining one to two drops with fractionated Coconut Oil.
  • Diffuse or inhale directly to soothe anxious feelings.
  • Take one to two drops in veggie caps daily when seasonal threats are high.*
  • Add to meats, soups, entrees, and salads to enhance food flavour and aid digestion.*

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimise any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

A = Can be used aromatically

T = Can be used topically

I = Can be used internally

S = Dilute for young or sensitive skin

If you want to purchase oils go here.

To book an aromatherapy massage click here.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of using Aromatherapy to reduce the effects of stress or anxiety for yourself or a loved one, please contact us here .

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Cassia Cinnamomum cassia

A warming oil that dates back to biblical times, Cassia promotes healthy digestion and immune function while providing a strong, uplifting aroma.*


A close relation to Cinnamon, Cassia has a strong, spicy aroma that can be used in small quantities to transform any essential oil blend. Cassia has been used for thousands of years to maintain physical health* and promote emotional well-being.* It’s one of the few essential oils mentioned in the Old Testament, noted for its unmistakable fragrance and calming properties. Cassia is a “warming” oil that helps promote a healthy immune function.* It also is a great oil to diffuse during cold months due to its warming properties and spicy scent. Due to its caustic nature, Cassia should be diluted with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil when applied to the skin and can be very strong when inhaled directly. When diluted, Cassia can help soothe the body. Cassia can be used in cooking either as a replacement for cinnamon in pies and breads or by itself in a myriad of entrees and desserts.


  • Add one drop to citrus blends or diffuse with Clove and Ginger during fall and winter.
  • Take one to two drops in veggie capsules for added immune support when seasonal threats are high.*
  • Combine one drop with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage for a warming sensation.
  • Combine one to two drops along with Lemon in a glass of water to aid digestion or ward off hunger cravings.*

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Dilute one to two drops with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to desired area.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

A = Can be used aromatically

T = Can be used topically

I = Can be used internally

D = Dilute for young or sensitive skin

If you want to purchase oils go here.

To book an aromatherapy massage click here.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of using Aromatherapy to reduce the effects of stress or anxiety for yourself or a loved one, please contact us here .